BackgammonMasters comments

BackgammonMasters allows you to play a series of casino games for free

Your vote:

This game is excellent.

20 days ago Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating brooklyn
The best by far.

Jan 28, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Nasser
This game is excellent.

Mar 27, 2022 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
rating Marian Popica
Nice game!!

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Good game.

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There are many others on BackgammonMasters that cheat... I just played one! I don't understand why cheat when it's only for 'play money'! A 'cheater' always has a pause in between rolls.

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Don't confuse this with Backgammon Masters app for iPhone. The app is great, but this is just sham.

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Has anyone ever won and cashed out from the game?
No good Backgammon player that I know has ever cashed out, and I know many that have played and lost their money.
These players including myself only play for money in real games with a real dice.
The game is for practice only. Keep your money in the bank and stop letting Backgammon Masters take it from you.

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The program has a nasty habit of 'cheating' with very convenient throws for your opponent to get themselves out of trouble - or put you into it. I suspect some of the opponents are not actual people but computer generated.

I've lost count of the number of time I've been on the bar with everything open except 6 only to 'throw' a double 6. And I've lost count of the number of consecutive doubles that get thrown - so far 5 in a row. Possible but not probable and definitely not as frequently in the real world.

So although it's fun to play, it's extremely frustrating as you can never consistently win overall.

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I must agree with the comment above. The dice is not random and does a favor the new players regardless of their skill.
I do think that this is to make the new player think they are better than they are, so that they will play for real money. Then after a while, they will also start to lose. You must remember that the house takes a cut on every game so you win some and lose some until you have lost your deposit. No one ever gets to cash out that I have ever heard of.
I do not think anyone is keeping this game honest and so they they keep taking the money.

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